CMV: The great replacement is real

Do you consider yourself a white supremacist?

No, white people are not superior to any other race.

Do you consider yourself to be part of the alt-right?

The definition of alt-right is incredibly vague and not well defined. But, the people who call themselves alt-right hates jews, supports people like hitler, and thinks whites are a superior race. And I don't agree with them. So no.

  1. Fuck no. But I hope he's elected again. He stands up for the preservation of western cultures and doesn't support the shitty politically correct left. Joe biden literally said that western europeans being a minority in america was good.

  2. Tim Pool I watch every day, I wish he would stop the "i'm center-left" crap, we all know that isn't true anymore. The left has moved too far away from him. Yeah I like Jordan, i've read his book as well. But he hasn't done much politically, he just supports free speech and people hate him for it, saying he's a bigot because of it. Alex Jones' podcast is a fantastic comedy, which should tell you what I think about him. /pol/, obviously, because it's one of the few bastions of free speech on the internet.

I try to read news from huffpo, vice, vox, and cnn. It makes me vomit, but it's good to hear arguments from the other side. I still think they post utter garbage, though.

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