CMV: If Biden is the 'electable' candidate without attempting to win over independent progressives like myself then he doesn't need the vote of independent progressives like myself in the general.

Bernie's campaign has reached out to me by phone four times today alone.

Question. Have you donated to Bernie's campaign at any point in time (including 2016)? Have you signed up for any mailing lists or newsletters from his campaign.

A lot of these calls are done statistically. If you happened to fall within Bernie's Demographic, and you're a registered Democrat, you will likely receive a lot of calls for Bernie to try and turn you out to vote for the Primary.

Conversely, if you fall within Biden's demographic, you will likely receive lots of calls from Biden to encourage you to vote.

Its not that Bernie's campaign personally cares about you, its just the campaign applying statistics at the federal level. If 75% of the people in you demographic support Bernie, then its in his interest to turn out your entire demographic to vote.

/r/changemyview Thread