CMV: If a driver cannot reasonably expect a future natural gap in traffic, passing other drivers is the equivalent to cutting in line.

You and me are both lineruppers.

[Vanderbilt suggests that a driver's merging style reveals his personality. There's an old cliché in driving studies," he says: "'A man drives as he lives.'" New York Timescolumnist Cynthia Gorney boiled the debate down to two main driving personalities: "lineuppers," who take their turn, and "sidezoomers," who race to the head of the line and dart into an opening at the last second. This is maddening to the well-behaved lineuppers. In fact, a Minnesota Department of Transportation study revealed that 15 percent of drivers actually admitted to straddling lanes to block late mergers in construction zones.](

Using speed-sensing devices that display different messages depending on the speed of traffic, Minnesota DOT engineers developed what they call a "zipper," which meshes cars quickly. Signs advise drivers of the upcoming lane closure, tell them to use both lanes up to a point and then direct them to take turns merging. When traffic is flowing, drivers merge early to avoid unsafe maneuvers. But when traffic is congested, motorists make full use of both lanes. The data revealed that the change reduced traffic lines by 35 percent and also brought down "lane changing conflicts," says Craig Mittelstadt, Minnesota DOT's work zone safety specialist.

When you have a long lane on the far right and then people zoom by the lane to the left and cut in at the last second it's failed zippering.

It would not feel as "cheaty" if both lanes were long and then zippered harmoniously.

The better solution is more people "cheating", the things are equal and don't feel cheated, and more traffic can't merge.

/r/changemyview Thread