CMV: I'm just not getting the controversy around the possibility of defunding Planned Parenthood

The question I have, is what is the difference between Planned Parenthood (with only around 650 affiliated clinics across the United States) and other federally funded sexual health clinics?

In smaller, rural areas, where there are no Planned Parenthood, people receive similar services for sexual health with no issue, yet these clinics are never mentioned by either side.

Also, speaking with a personal anecdote, I grew up in an area with no Planned Parenthoods anywhere close by. Teens and impoverished people were directed to the local Health Clinic. Through them I received sexual health care, free contraceptives, a "sexual health kit" every time I went in (a bag of condoms, spermicidal lubrication and a pamphlet on proper use of the products).

When I became pregnant, I received parenthood counseling through them and continued prenatal care.

This clinic also offered care for people with addiction problems and cancer screenings.

They are still running and offering the same services today, eleven years later. All the services offered are free or incredibly low cost (they run a sliding scale payment option).

When I moved, I was able to use Planned Parenthood and the care was significantly different. I was referred out to other caregivers for cancer testing and referred out to another OBGYN when I became pregnant. They did not offer these services in house. To me it felt like they were more a referral service or minute clinic than an actual clinic.

I feel like Planned Parenthood makes itself seem like the only sexual health provider out there, when it's far from true. Most people who I know who worry about the loss of Planned Parenthood don't even know about other sexual health clinics existing. A lot of people continue to claim that the loss of Planned Parenthood would mean no sexual health for women would be available, which I feel isn't entirely true, especially when Planned Parenthood covers such a small area that is oftentimes overlapped by other federally funded sexual health clinics.

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