CMV: Iran does not hang 'apostates', homosexual people or rape victims.

America has started dozens of wars and coups because of corporate interests. Columbia, Venezuela, Iran, Cuba, I could go on for week. But now, they can't do it as visible as they have done it before (internet, slightly less stupid people, etc). So what to do? They need to make up excuses, but because how stupid the American people are, they can make up shitty ones. But how can they do this? America isn't Iran or China where the media is controlled by the state. So what do they do? They create a system where anyone talking seriously against the establishment is marginalized and where critical thinking and education is frowned upon. Just look at reddit. Once anyone mentions that both Al Qaida and ISIS got their start because of America wanting to fight the Soviets and Syria, you get comments like "lulz, u were tein foyl hat".

CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and a dozen more news organizations made it seem like Iraq did 9/11. Almost all the hijackers were Saudi, did anyone even for a second mention Saudi Arabia's involvement? News organizations feed on the government for access so they parrot the establishment for it.

These 'human rights' groups breath publicity. Do you think a human rights organization would exist if it's headlines were things along the lines of "Iran executes a person who raped then murdered a 13 year old" or "Iran executes large-scale drug trafficker"? No, the headlines that get them mentioned on CNN are "Iran mass murders kittens" or "Iran kills 6000 gay people".

Iran is ranked 1# in scientific growth and went from a country that imported everything to one of the most industrious nations in the world, all in 30 years with extremely crippling sanctions. Despite what 14 year old's who've just finished the Fountainhead tell you, only pristine government management can achieve that. Now why would a government like that start executing gay people? How can that benefit them?

And finally, to you're point about how "they somehow got 100% of America to give their opinion on Saddam". Have you ever heard of the concept of poles and sampling? You're saying national poles mean nothing. Do you realize the implications of that?

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