CMV: Misrepresentations of the Gender Pay Gap is hurting feminism

Yeah, I'm not saying sexism doesn't exist. I'm saying that explanation for not going into a field is poor.

Me way earlier. This was my point. You seemed to have forgotten.

Sexism by virtue of sexes. Yep it's a thing. Nope, it's not civilized. Nope, I don't like it. Nope, I haven't seen a solution. Also dafuq does this have to do with my point?


Oh for fucks sake do I have to read this shit?

publicly shamed for using a line which, let’s not forget, was brought into the world by a man who performed it to millions of people around the globe without being publicly shamed.

Yeah, I still think it's a stupid fucking line. Sex in music is how we get shit music. Really, I think they're both shitty people. And then it falls apart from there. I know the way petty fights escalate I don't have to finish this because it's clear that: Hey! you know what this doesn't have anything to do with? My point.

To be clear, the first few tweets are about boys hogging the computer? Hahahaha. And home life? really? I'm sorry. This is what makes it hard to sympathize. Individuals get one big thing in life. A Child is a big thing. A highly successful career is a big thing. You get one. Not girls get one. People get one. If you don't talk this shit out with your S/O, that is not my fault. And frankly planing for half of two is not a bright idea. Best argument you got here is women want babies more because biology. In which case, that sucks. Maybe meditate on big decisions before you make them? Culture. Culture. Culture. Attacked for attacking culture. haha, expected. If you don't have a thick skin I would ignore it. Ignoring it works just as well.

I 'whine' too much.

I get this a lot too, and I'm not even a girl. I like to have the witty "and you're whining about my whining? Nah, I'm just making a point." handy.

you 'can't' call out for being dicks

Yeah, nor can anyone else. I've seen a few people from both genders who were charismatic enough to do it, but not most people sucks doesn't it?

conventions, where designers are celebrated, are unsafe places for me. Really. I've been groped.

That's assault. Sexism yes, but also assault. That's a pretty significant line to be crossing. If people are crossing that line maybe y'all should be a little more active in breaking their fingers and screaming pervert. I was groped by a chick once. super uncomfortable. My response was vicious, all males in the room and the female doing it were dismissive. This was at a LAN party too. Gamers are a little fucked up. Should probably only deter you from dealing directly with the gamers though. Again this is assault, and should be and can be treated as such.

I don't want to make another game about killing and war

Good, I don't want one.

How many of these do I have to respond to?

insidiously sending our girls the message that women don't have strong math and technical skills and that men make better engineers and computer scientists.

See this is what I'm talking about. This is no excuse for leaving or entering an industry. I'm sorry if people in general are don't make decisions rationally, but I don't sympathize with the individuals who can't. (Nope, I don't have a lot of friends, but perhaps ironically the friends I do have tend to be dudets/chicks.)

Because tech is where the jobs are. And tech pays well.

Yeah this feels like the they're taken our jobs argument against men. Personally, I want everybody to go into stem, but if you're going in it for a job not to solve some big problem you think needs solving, then I don't need you or want you. Also, I'm not a fan of video games. What a fucking waste of energy.

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