CMV: Racism and racial discrimination aren't the same thing and as a white person in a western country I can't experience racism.

Not unless they also wrote dictionaries.

The dictionary is just a book it has no special authoritative powers. If I told you the sky was blue and the dictionary said it was green who would you believe? Think for yourself.

Being radicals gets them tenure. That keeps the money flowing into the victim industry.


The Mongols had quite possibly the largest empire ever assembled

the mongols never left eurasia, but there's only 22 countries in the world who've never been invaded by Britain.

im not saying british people are worse than mongolian tribsemen. im saying that european colonialism is responsible for most social problems we face in the modern day.

Europeans didn't kill that vast majority of Native Americans. European diseases did that.

what is it that makes someone a genocide apologist?

are you trying to justify the multiple genocides that perpetrated by european colonialists? is there something wrong with you?

Once colonists managed to get their foot in the door they just did what everybody else had been doing to them since the invention of conquest

What point are you trying to make? Obviously things were different back then that doesnt mean we can just say 'boys will be boys' and decide that destroying cultures and raping your way from one stolen continent to another isnt a big deal. Its a big fucking deal.

European colonialism was one of the most brutally violent and destructive events in human history. You can admit that without feeling guilty.

Ooops...didn't read much about that in a sociology textbook did you ?

Well yeah everyone knows about that but whats your point? We all know that human history is a history of people getting fucked over. If you think I disagree with that then you should go over the thread again and try and better understand what im saying to you.

White people didn't invent any of these ideas about class and hierarchy

I didnt say they did, I said we were in the right place at the right time to set up a global class system/hierarchy where we are at the top and we exploit everyone else. I think it should stop.

They didn't even impose them on the cultures they encountered. Ideas like slavery were already extant pretty much everywhere those imperialists went.

What? That doesnt mean they didnt impose it on other cultures...

Now, as to just who it is that's living a life of luxury ... who's that again ?

The heirs to the colonial kingdom: "the west" (and as I said a few isolated examples like Japan or Saudi Arabia).

Do you think it was because they were living lives of luxury back on their peasant smallholdings in the 1700's ?

Yes. That is what I think. I didnt say it but you could just tell because you're ever so clever.

And as for the economy being little more than a fountain of riches for a vast majority of men : Have you never even heard of a trailer park ?

just because men control govt and industry (as in the vast majority of corporate executives and politicians are male) doesnt mean im saying that every man is king of the world and gets free nachos and hourly blowjobs. please think about things before you type them.

if their sole focus is on how white people have "fucked over" everybody.

where did you get 'sole focus' from? like what? are you 11 years old please try not to make shit up.

If I go to Japan and start calling everybody a slant-eyed Jap then I'm not being a racist. Got it.

you're being rude and racially bigotted but no, according to the people that study racism, racism is not something that a member of the majority race can experience.

you're not making an argument. acting outraged isnt an argument.

some people are good with words but fucking terrible with thoughts. think more.

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