CMV: Reddit should not allow subs such as /r/GasTheKikes and /r/CoonTown

Pictures of Jennifer Lawrence are not an idea. Any content is your bank account details. That’s information that should be protected. If someone said they believe your bank account details should be posted, that’s a very different thing.

Fair enough

If we are hypothetically discussing changing what is not ours to change, why am I not allow to hypothetically discuss the duty Reddit should pay to a human right?

What? I'm not saying you should not be allowed to have the discussion. The issue is why you believe reddit has some sort of duty to protect/enforce this "freedom of ideas" content you endorse.

It is by humans and for human, after all.

I'm not even sure what argument you're trying to make with this. All websites are created by humans for humans. What does that have to do with anything?

“Should Reddit ban x, y, or z?” – no, it should not because it’s a human right that it has previously upheld. It has another right to publish what it sees fit, but at the loss of the greater right. If the future censor of reddit denies you free expression, then they deny you your right, which they are at liberty to do so but wrong to do so.

No it is not. reddit banning certain content is not denying us our rights. reddit's rules can only prevent us from doing things on reddit, but we don't have a right to use reddit for anything.

I’ll tell you exactly what bad things will happen should reddit become the judge, jury and executioner on matter of offense. Firstly, any gender or racial or religious subreddit that is called hateful now will get chopped – the small ones first, but all of them in time because someone will perceive “hate”. People, empowered by the thought that their hurt feelings are worth a penny, will start looking out reasons to be offended and, therefore reasons to have more groups and ideas banned. But thank God, Reddit soon dies and has to suffer no more of the terrible affliction of insipid central ideas that can only be agreed with.

So basically you are saying that banning hate speech will necessarily kill reddit? Your argument is that reddit will cease to function if we ban hate speech? How, then, do you account for the hundreds of websites that function perfectly well, despite the fact that racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. are not allowed? How do you account for the thousands of subreddits within reddit that function perfectly well despite the fact that they ban racism, sexism, homophobia, etc? If subreddits & other websites can function without this stuff, then why can't reddit?

If you think all that offends you should be labelled hateful, and should be outlawed

I never said "offensive speech" = "hate speech"

Please name these countries that get on better with censoring laws.

It’s bad for a certain website to start banning content because it’s bad for anyone to think they, or another person, are able to decide what we can read about.

Again, reddit would not be deciding what we can read about. They would be deciding what they want the website to be about.

Of course a company can choose what it publishes or allows other to publish, but Reddit shouldn’t start doing this because it rubs up against your and my right to decide what is right and wrong.

It has nothing to do with rubbing people the wrong way. It has to do with whether reddit wants to allow hate speech or not.

/r/changemyview Thread