CMV: Suicide is the only logical option for me / someone in my situation.

I have depression and occasionally suffer from suicidal emotions for a couple days at a time.

I've found a process that helps me a lot in dealing with them. It's kind of cheesy/cliche, but it works despite that. It's very odd though, so I'm reluctant to recommend it to you. Nonetheless, nobody else's answers seem to have persuaded you much.

First, consider that even if you want to die, then it would be best to die in a way that's good rather than bad. You only die once, so you should make the most of it. For me, that means I'd like my death to either have a greater meaning or to be pleasurable. I'd like to be a political martyr, perhaps, or to go skydiving without a parachute for an exciting jolt of adrenaline.

Second, when anticipating those experiences, realize this: you can have even better versions of those experiences while alive, and you'll get to have them more than once.

For example, being a martyr is unlikely and doesn't actually achieve much. It's sustained effort over a lifetime that has the greatest impact. So since I care about politics, that motivates me to stay alive to try to make the world a better place. Jumping out of an airplane might be fun, but the risk is that I'd decide midway through the air it was a mistake and panic, ruining my last moments. I'd rather just take up skydiving the safe way, as a hobby, because that gets me all of the benefits of suicide with none of its dangers.

I'd encourage you to try this yourself. Think about what you'd like your death to achieve. What matters to you, if you had to not-exist then what would you like to leave the world knowing you had accomplished or experienced? Then, realize that life is going a much more pragmatically successful means of achieving all of that than death. It's a fantastic opportunity.

Sometimes, actually, when my depression was at my worst, I simply told myself "I'm already dead" (from a certain perspective, that was even true). Since I was "already dead", that somehow satisfied the negative parts of my brain, freeing the positive ones to do whatever they wanted. I'm already dead, therefore I love to live life.

Your situation is different than mine. Nonetheless, I hope something in my experience can help you. If not, I hope you at least enjoyed reading my comment here. If not even that, I hope you at least can appreciate that you're one of only a few people capable of understanding my perspective on depression, whether you agree with it or not.

/r/changemyview Thread