CMV: "They're not obligated to..." is not a moral justification for someone's actions.

The other post was very general, it only said a couple of dates, so there is a lot of wiggle room.

Well as I said I can understand it a lot more from a casual acquaintance perspective, it happens with people I've chatted with on tinder all the time. You talk for a couple hours over text, never talk again, big deal. I guess I was mostly speaking from my own experience with this kind of situation though rather than from the main post. Which this has happened to me after more than a month or so of talking and going out. And even when talking to people about that situation I still got the same ol' "well she doesn't owe you any explanation" argument.

I do not think anyone should be condemed or judged unless they are actually intentionally hurting another person, not simply being inconsiderate of others feelings. I think it is a very noble thing to put others feelings before your own, but I would not say someone is being rude or bad for someone to put their own feelings and well being at or above the level of someone they barely know, particularly when it involves inaction, such as ignoring or not helping someone.

While I do agree with the general sentiment here, I think there should be a lot less of a "who cares" attitude towards these types of actions. I feel like saying "eh (s)he doesn't owe you anything" in a way makes it seem acceptable to be inconsiderate. Taking what I've heard so much, I feel like I could practically ignore anybody I want and seemingly not a single person would think I did anything wrong or was mean for doing it. But intentionally ignoring someone who's trying to contact you and not giving any closure, IMO, is pretty disrespectful no matter what way it's twisted. (Provided, as you said, it's an actual relationship and not someone you started talking to like two days ago)

I wanna make one last comment on this

but I would not say someone is being rude or bad for someone to put their own feelings and well being at or above the level of someone they barely know,

What exactly from your well being/feelings is at stake here, though? Honest question. Because the way I see it, you're just letting someone know that you're not interested and giving them some sort of closure to the situation. It's not going to have any real impact on your feelings, but will almost always impact the other's in a positive way. And ignoring them will almost always impact theirs in a negative way. I feel like there's not much a middle neutral ground here in this situation, you either make them feel real awful, or you make them feel less awful by just letting them down.

For example, with the girl this happened to in my experience. I think she's an absolute bitch now. Pretty much solely because of this. If I could've just gotten some shred of closure or something telling me why, while maybe a bit upset about her not being interested, I would've gotten over it and everything would be smooth between us. But instead, even after trying to contact her a couple times, she just ignored me until I fucked off and I feel like that's a really disrespectful and childish way of getting rid of someone which is why I think there's something morally wrong with that way of approaching a situation (or rather... not approaching it at all).

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