CMV: The wealthy are parasites who hoard wealth and do everything within their power to subjucate people and sew misery and desperation for their own gain.

Socialist here: they are indeed correct. Its definitely not a good idea to sell billions of his stocks in bulk. If you would do that, bad things will happen. Amazon is one of the biggest companies, so it would simply just pull other companies down with it. There would probably be another market crash causing a lot of people to lose their jobs. There are also lots of people who have their money invested in such companies to get a better retirement. Change doesn’t need to happen abruptly. Also, who do you want to get the billions? You were probably thinking about the state/government. If we were to do this to most huge companies the state would own way too much and would have the power to abuse the proletariat and working class again. I personally think it would be a better idea to distribute it between the people of the country.

/r/changemyview Thread