CMV: Women who are anti-feminism do not have internalized misogyny.

I see your point here.

However, when it comes to the psychological side of things especially, I do agree that modern feminism portrays women as weak and helpless, and contradicts it's original theory. Many feminists think that men saying harmful things about women is worse than women saying harmful things about men, because men are in a "privileged" position. Basically, women are socialized negatively by the influence men, but men are not socialized negatively by the influence women, in any way (hence the entire feminist patriarchy theory). Women are too inferior, "in society", to cause psychological harm to men on the basis of their gender.

Which is hypocritical on so many levels, but that's a discussion for another time.

The idea that women insulting or demeaning men can't be as bad as men insulting or demeaning women clearly reinforces the idea that women are psychologically weaker. My point relating to the topic at hand, however: is that feminists who spread this idea often hide behind the fact that "men are more advantaged by the system and therefore have more power over women to hurt them" (the validity of this claim is another debate as well), even though insulting each other is mostly, if not then purely, a psychological matter. This might have been what PantsHasPockets was getting at, though I could be wrong.

Feminists' goal is to destroy the idea that men are psychologically stronger and more intelligent than women. Yet many of their concepts just reinforce them, and only give men more of this so-called psychological power over women.

They tell us that women are equally as capable, motivated and intelligent as men, yet there's this constant assumption that less women than men are entering STEM fields because they've been brainwashed to think that their gender isn't supposed to engineer or something. Never because maybe...they have made an informed choice that they just aren't interested. While perceived social norms might play a part in career choices for some people, I find it incredibly demeaning, as a woman especially, when feminists claim that women aren't entering STEM fields as much as men SOLELY because of "social conditioning" or "social pressure". I dislike it when they ignore the personal preferences and happiness women working in non-STEM fields that they were just "socially pressured" into entering.

So yeah, all I say to feminists is: let's talk about social norms, advantages, disadvantages and policies by all means. As long as we aren't using them as a mask to hide our own sexism.

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