She comes and sleeps on my pregnant wife like this every night

Why do all you "animal-loving" people worry so much about ripping the testicles out of cats but completely disregard the rest of species us humans abuse every day?

If you really care so much about animal abuse, I assume you're a vegan. But wait, vegans, unless very dedicated, abuse animals by consuming vegetables that have been treated with pesticides, ending the lives of millions of defenseless bugs.

Even if you are dedicated enough to know nothing you eat has caused the distress or death of any animal, look at your clothes for a second! Is it cotton? Welp, those are plants anyway, we're back to the second paragraph. Is it any synthetic product? I guess you don't ruin the ecosystem of hundreds of animal species by building a huge ass well to dig out petroleum.

By that same reasoning, your car should be electric. If only our huge dams built to generate hydroelectric power didn't ruin so much river wildlife... Have you even thought about the possibility of your house being built where there was a big field full of trees with squirrels in them? Is every piece of wood furniture in your house obtained from self-sustaining wood "farms" (can't figure a proper translation for this) so you can be sure you haven't abused animals by cutting out the tree they lived in?

It's easier to only care about cats and dogs because they're cute, spay them like it's a good thing and feel good about yourself, but the human species has used and abused animals for eternity, in more ways than you could think of. You can choose: go and live out in the woods, not using any man-made product that has indirectly caused countless animal deaths, or live like you're living now knowing our very existence is causing pain and death and there's nothing we can do about it.

If you choose to prevent kitty deaths because you care about kitties, that's cool, but don't call yourself an "animal" lover because you clearly don't care about the rest of species. Also, stop harassing people over the Internet for not doing the "right" thing, because NONE of us are doing what's actually right. We have been doing wrong for centuries.

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