[Comic] How the Soldier has changed.

I'm not sure what you're talking about, seriously what kind of logic is that? How does what I said make me bad at the game?

I'm far from the best but I have been playing long enough to be a decent player at most classes. The only players I see using the Phlog and Cow Mangler are new players or generally unskilled players. This isn't talking myself up or taking a jab at the players but more of an observation that I have made regarding the use of these weapons.

The Phlog only encourages the mindless W+M1 tactics that clearly take no skill, anyone can hold those buttons and just walk around spraying fire and sure it can get you some kills but if you're playing like that then I'm not sure how you're having fun playing in such a boring way. Not to mention not being able to airblast teammates when they're on fire. W+M1 pyros are not something that should be encouraged but this weapon does nothing but that.

The Cow Mangler is frustrating for me to play against, with regular rocket launchers you've got splash damage but this has splash damage with afterburn. It's been a long time since I've used the Cow Mangler so I can't say based on my own use of it but I really cannot recall seeing anyone that uses it rocket jump... Ever. Honestly it has been so long since I've used it I was under the impression that you couldn't even rocket jump with it but since apparently you can I'd say that's more reflective of the people that I see playing with the Cow Mangler. Being able to disable sentries for 4 seconds can come in handy but an uber charged soldier with any other rocket launcher would be better since the CM does less damage to buildings. On top of that, a team with a spy and a medic (to uber a soldier, demo or heavy) should have no problem taking out some sentries which just makes the advantage of the CM against buildings to be something that isn't even necessary on a decent team.

That's just how I feel about these two weapons, in my experience they're used by lesser skilled players and they're rather frustrating to play against. They're the types of weapons that limit players ability overall, particularly the Phlog. The Cow Mangler isn't as bad but the addition of afterburn makes it feel cheap more than anything. It might be easier for newer players to start off with but most tend to grow out of these weapons.

Sorry for the rant but these are two weapons that I would not care at all if they were removed, I'd actually prefer it.

/r/tf2 Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com