coming back and i could use some advice.

I don't play GMS so I'm probably going to get some of these wrong, but here's what endgame eqps look like:

Top, bottom, hat: fafnir Weapon: fafnir/absolab/arcane (releasing soon) Cape, belt, shoes: tyrant Gloves: tyrant/absolab/arcane/mulung Face/eye acc: sweetwater Earring/pendant(s): superior gollux Badge: ghost pirate badge Pocket: pink grail or event pocket eqps Ring: superior gollux/scarlet/lightning god ring/ Shoulder: meister Emblem: class emblem Heart: lidium i think

And I think you want to use magic throwing knives (MTK) for stars...?

I don't know what totems are like in this server

Generally you want nebulites for decent speed infusion (dSI) or decent sharp eyes (dSE)

Potential is still important so don't worry about replacing your 6% luk ravenhorn cape for a tyrant immediately.

According to this sub so far the general order of scrolling+cubing progression is fafnir > sweetwater > gollux > tyrant >other luxury tier eqps.

I'm not aware of what tyrant prices are like but if I'm not mistaken fafnir armour go for 100mish clean in some servers, and you can get gollux and sweetwater stuff w/o mesos.

Maybe some dedicated GMS NL players could give you proper answers regarding range and fm prices.

Take most of this with a pinch of salt. I'll be more than happy to be corrected/glean some insight regarding GMS's economy.

/r/Maplestory Thread