Coming Out Advice

the way that I see it, coming out is more for you then for anyone else.

When I came out to my friends, it helped me accept who I am and come to terms with everything. When I think about it there are likely friends who might not even know that I'm bi still. It's not that I am keeping it a secret from them, but the Therapeutic nature of coming out was no longer needed for me and it just hasn't come up.

"what if i never date a girl?"

I've asked myself this question as well (though I am the opposite gender) and it caused me loads of stress. After coming out I felt like I needed and was expected to not just date a guy, but end up with a guy. And as I thought about it I ended up with the same stress lumps as I did when I was denying my Orientation all together. I was putting myself in corner of expectations because I wanted to be "legitimate". and reminding myself "well being bi means you like both genders" wasn't good enough to ease my mind. After all if i ended up never having dated a guy then would they think "he obviously just wanted attention. to be different"

The answer for me was to realize a few things. Other people don't define me. I define myself. If I never happen to date a guy then I don't. I am still sexually attracted to men, and just a bit romantically as well.

The second was that my sexuality doesn't define me either. I am my own version of bisexual. That label serves to help me define a part of who i am, but it in of it self does not define me as a person. It just tells me there are other people like me. That I am not alone in these feelings and that they aren't wrong.

For me, coming out helped me say "this is what I am" to myself. Telling others and talking to my friends who weren't straight weather they were bi/homosexual severed that purpose for me.

My experience is a little different, as it involves friends not family but to the question should you wait I would say this:

I would encourage coming out. It helps validate this part of yourself for you. And that is what is important. It can be frightening thinking about how your relationship might change but I don't think it would be a large shift specially since you are confident she will be supportive and accepting. But again in my eyes, coming out is an important experience for you accepting yourself.

Hope this helped.

/r/bisexual Thread