Coming out to family as poly? Me 30f have been dating married couple 44m and 44f since I was 21, and I want to tell my family why I’m so happy!

My husband told his family (Catholic, traditional) and while they are warm and they think it needs "fixed." My family and friends, when I told them, were awesome about it. My boyfriend will meet my parents for the first time today so we will get to see how that goes but I suspect it won't be a big deal. My boyfriend has yet to tell his parents, though one of his siblings knows.

I will say this: they likely suspect something. Everyone I knew suspected something and most were able to guess it. There are so many little things that even the most ignorant eventually pick up on it. While they probably don't know the full circumstances it would be absurd to not suspect anything after almost 10 years. If they haven't shunned you or your partners yet it is unlikely it will end with something terrible. So take your time. Do it when it feels right.

/r/polyamory Thread