Men of Reddit: What are some traits that immediately make you think, "Shit, she's crazy"?

When we are out at the movies and she starts throwing pieces of pop corn around.

Then, when I tell her to stop doing it, she says she's just sharing the popcorn with the faeries that live in the theatre. I tell her this is non sense, and she starts flailing her arms around while explaining to me how this makes perfect sense, and actually hits the guy next to us in the eye, he was just enjoying the ads, poor guy.

Well, that's one guy down, so I listen to her very carefully while protecting my eyes, you never know. And, believe it or not, her arguments make sense.

So, after I tell her she's right, we both sit down and proceed to continue chucking the popcorn around.

That's when I notice it's salty popcorn. Who gets salty popcorn at a late night screening, I mean come on! But since faeries prefer salt and vinegar I guess it's fine, so I let it slide.

Then I notice how she doesn't actually hit any faeries with the popcorn, but she specifically told me you HAD to hit them because they're almost blind (it's dark most of the time in the theatre) and can't find popcorn otherwise. Plus they are awfully stupid. But I let it slide because she had a knife at my throat, and you know, I kind of like this whole domination thing.

Unfortunately we get thrown out by security before the movie starts. That's when I notice she's a redhead. I couldn't see in the theatre, because it's kind of dark inside. But I don't really care, it's dark outside too, kind of, but also cold and windy.

So I bid her good night, it was nice meeting you my lady, it was my pleasure to sit next to you today, but I must go my own way, nothing personal.

That's when I wake up, and I am actually a 18 years old young girl. I get up, but trip over my giant tongue and bang my head on the tractor.

That's when I wake up, and I'm actually a frog in a man's body. I hop out of bed, but the floor is lava, and I die.

that's when I wake up, and this time I'm the earth, and I spin and spin around until I'm so dizzy I die.

That's when I wake up and I'm in bed with a red head. Who puts their head in my bed?? Shit, she's crazy!

/r/AskReddit Thread