Confession of Binge-eating

I'm having a really hard time resisting binge eating as well. Like you, I'm a secret binge eater. I'd eat until I was sick and usually when I wasn't even hungry. Eating was an event - something I looked forward to and planned for all day. I kept saying, "If it was a real problem then I could stop." Then, finally, I woke up and realized it IS A REAL PROBLEM RIGHT NOW. That was 2 weeks ago and I'm currently 7 days into keto.

In addition to having a carb "addiction" I am an alcoholic and I've been sober now for over three years. I've found that some of the principles I learned while becoming sober really apply to my relationship with food as well. The first step - "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable" - was really powerful for me.

Being "powerless" means you can't rely on your willpower alone. You have to set yourself up for success. You have to build your life in such a way that you don't face temptation when you don't have to because if nothing is standing between you and binge eating then it WILL happen. That doesn't mean you aren't accountable - you are. You have to be honest with yourself and know when you're going to be tempted and, most importantly, when you are setting yourself up to fail.

Sometimes I won't go to the grocery store alone. I cleaned out my desk and apartment of all sugary snacks. I've told my coworkers that I'm not eating ANY sugar to help keep me accountable at work. Sometimes I turn down invitations to go out to eat because I know it's going to be too hard to say no to food I shouldn't eat. The most important and most difficult thing I am trying to do is to reorganize my life so it doesn't revolve around food. For example, if I go to the mall I REFUSE to get anything to eat there because it is something that I used to look forward to all the time.

In AA they teach you to protect your sobriety. I'm finding that with keto I have to protect my new eating habits. Not just to loose weight, not just to become more physically healthy, but because my life had become unmanageable due to my bad relationship with food and I need to regain sanity.

/r/keto Thread