Conflict within German non-profit "Grüne Liga" that sued for Tesla to stop logging, because decision was not backed by members

For you education, they were required to re-plant the area if they pulled out of the contract.

Musk kam, sah und wurde fast von Ameisen gebodigt – das steckt hinter der Wut auf Tesla

Ja. Das Landesamt für Umwelt hat Mitte Februar grünes Licht für die Rodung gegeben – obwohl die Baugenehmigung noch nicht vorliegt. Allerdings verfügte das Amt Auflagen zur Ersatzaufforstung auf Kosten von Tesla im Fall eines Scheiterns des Genehmigungsverfahrens.

google translation

Yes. The State Office for the Environment gave the green light for clearing in mid-February - although the building permit has not yet been obtained. However, the agency had requirements for replacement afforestation at Tesla's expense if the approval process failed.

[and it likely would also them to remove the temporary roads, parking lots, buried electrical lines, fencing... but I'm sure you'll want sources for that as well /sarcasm]

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