Congress: Seize the moment and legalize marijuana

They need to plant a flag on one issue and run on it hard.

I mean, I'm not against legalization by any means (I think the draconic systems we have are terrible) but I would find it pretty stupid if the ONE issue Dems decided to plant their flag in to define their party was weed right now.

How about rule of law for elected officials? Hell, how about not starting wars and being fucking terrifying? Even in less dire times, things like: A social compact/safety net that works where everyone has a right to Roosevelt's old four freedoms? Economic reform so the wealth doesn't continue to be more and more concentrated? Healthcare? Jobs? Education? Hell, even net neutrality is a better one-focus issue that has further-reaching implications.

I'm all for legalization, don't get me wrong. But "legalize weed" does not substantially fix anything in society the way so many one-issue focuses would. I'm actually against a one-issue focus, personally. But if there is going to be one and you go with weed, I think you look like an idiot.

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