Congressman calls for service members, veterans who stormed the Capitol to be stripped of benefits

So, this presents a situation that concerns me but I cant totally wrap my head around to even voice correctly.

It seems that in large part, an oath to defend against domestic enemies is taken as the corruption of America against what it stands for. To these people that is exactly what they are doing. I understand ones interpretation of what law means means little to the situation but it creates this whirlwind where this whole concept, rooted pretty deep in a lot of Americans as patriotic is actually terrorism.

I wasn’t there because I do not believe their cause is true, I do not believe we have to protect America from this but as a country born of revolution for the people it concerns me very much that this concept is simply a falsehood.

Something something about it’s either a failed civil war or a successful revolution and the victor decides who the monster is (granted not applicable for our only civil war)

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