Conspiracy/spirituality related subreddits

You just finished Hidden hand ? Try the "I'm a ROFSCHILD, Axe me a question" & "Revelation of an insider of elite family" [1], it's basically the best way to reinforce your comprehension of what spirituality is really about, watch the documentary made by Dan Gibson "The Sacred city" to understand that every religion have been watered down by "elites" so that low level citizens stay blind. Maybe you'll find more & more proofs on r/Echerdex to save your soul...

other parts made me think and actually sort of resonated with me.

It's the basis of disinformation, that's how intelligence agencies work : "Put 1 truth, 1/2 Truth and 1 lie in everything you say, those who knows won't have difficulties sorting which one is", think National Enquirer, search who founded it, from where the money came from and what was his previous job.

Getting answers will open a new way of thinking about those conspiracies and unveil the real ones...

/r/conspiracy Thread