Coronavirus Mega Thread

People who want to lockdown forever are the selfish ones

keeping people in perpetual lockdown has been a complete failure and massive civil rights violation.

not only has it deprived people of friends, family employment and income. It has also caused years of collective productivity lost. It is also a complete violation of the first amendment's right to freedom of assembly.

we've also robbed many children of there most formative years keeping them cooped up in tiny apartments, no Minecraft is not a valid substitute for playing outside. to add you are keeping children locked up in abusive households where no one can reach them .

not only that is that we've prevented millions of people from seeing a doctor causing many to die of completely preventable disease.

and no stimulus checks are not a substitute for income .

quit the hollow virtue signaling and admit it.

you are selfish if you are pro-lockdown.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread