I cosplay as Master Chief, because who doesn't want to be the Chief?

Isn't chief one of the few survivors of some fucked up child experiment which involved pitting them against one another a la how the drug cartels find their newest leader(probably modeled after Nazi or CIA or NKVD or such programs)?

After this selection process on the home planet which went alongside the large scale mobilization of colony planets(mainly agrarian formerly) and

Then I'm pretty sure they took the results from that, removed the parts of their brains not essential for combat purposes(essentially leaving them mindless psychopaths), basically swapping out all the non-nervous system tissue using little nanobots to selectively eat away at the bits that weren't deemed essential. That doesn't sound fun.

Neither does gladatorial combat against the enemy team, most of which at the whim of sociopathic children on the original planet(now a human preserve, a few hundred people named "adam and eve" were left here, but the guiding force of the head construct(the cpu forms the core of our planet, big-ass fucking AI doesn't allow it).

Oh and we don't talk about the incredibly sadistic torture we undertook against the entire covenant command structure to get the shield technology which gave our Spartans a 100 percent mission success rate(at least until covenant missions began).

The relationship they share with their AI is something special though, isn't it? The degree of fictionalization of experience exhibited really becomes extraordinarily profound, I imagine it's like being on DMT all the time with the amount of sensory information being sent to you.

Doomed to fantazise in explicit detail every possible scenario in a niave approach must be a torture akin to purgatory though, huh? Whoever came up with the innovation of using children to problem solve instead of the AI system was quite genius but I can't say I quite approve that we continue to ship the propaganda out to paciated worlds as they develop their video game technology along the expected timeline.

/r/gaming Thread Link - imgur.com