Could you give an example of a poem you wrote?

These days we find ourselves less and less engaged and lost in our own ways; we approach life at insane speeds and wave through it as if it was a sordidly composed musical piece or a life spoken about in pretense addressing a fixture in literature, little more than a synopsis describing the fiction we read and then try to lead in our lives that began ever so vacant in which we try to fill by finding an absolution in so many beliefs or creeds.

Walking on the edges of fences, keeping balance carefully of our precarious ways, Careful attention given to approaching warning signs that pass by literally right in front of our face, the gist caught in peripheral vision that gave a faulty foundation based on a hastily made decision.

We saw none of it clearly due to speed of this race or this sickly sweet haze hanging in the air suffocating this place, this fallen kingdom and these walls that surround it to hide our discomfort, our disgrace with anything travelling at a slower pace.

We came seeking answers only find them in twice as many questions, each every one providing examples of the outcomes we knew all along.

We took our sorrow and threw it back at a myriad of confused faces; we only want to find that secret place where we belong.

In the end we were handed a pair of shoes not our own and a choking gloom that however pervasive must belong to another wayward stranger, they didn’t come with directions on how to pick from the so many paths to choose or tell which ones will lead to danger but we always knew the only thing we can learn at this speed is how to make a noose from the laces.

~circa 2009

/r/AskWomen Thread