Crack whore /u/schizoidparanoid posts nude video of her shooting up to /r/opiates. Junkies take a break from contemplating suicide-by-overdose to argue about it.

Lol your entire post history is sitting in your own shit on this sub. Frequenting cringe anarchy which is another neckbeard far right sub, and then systematically trying to attack anyone on the left that has a viewpoint different than yourself.

You also defend 16 year old Hitler youths because they were "defending the motherland" so quite literally, defending fucking nazis. You're a sad sad sad little man and I'm really sorry your life is so hollow and empty.

And you don't have a resume because someone with your obvious lack of social skills, ignorance, aggressiveness and just lack of any sort of ability to try to be a good person, without a doubt shows you don't have a job nor are you employable.

Rehab, been there done that, but you're right I should stop wasting my time talking to you because I have to wake up at 630 to go work, you know a thing called a career?

I hope one day you're able to get a grasp on life and social interaction so you can stop trying to berate people via social media, because you can really only be even more rude, vile and unattractive as a personality in the real world. So good luck to you on finding your path to becoming a human being instead of a cesspool subreddit troll. I really mean that, I don't pray but maybe I will just because of how sad and angry your demeanor is.

/r/Drama Thread Parent