Richard Sherman calls out reporters on blatant sensationalism and fake information

That's not wrong, but simplifying it like that is unfair. Playing at a competitive level is a massive commitment in time and energy. You aren't just hanging around all week waiting for the three hours of game time. I worked harder playing college ball than I ever have at any "real job" since then.

Also, student athletes are not allowed to make money. That means not even a part time job in the school library. This was never a huge issue for me because my parents covered most of my expenses, but not everyone had my circumstances. One individual I played with for a couple of seasons was a teenage father. His struggle was real, free education not withstanding. I don't think I ever saw him take the time to enjoy himself, because he was putting in over 40 hours a week at school, in the weight room, studying plays, and on the field, then trying to make things work with his girlfriend and their son.

Not to say it isn't an amazing blessing for someone to go to a good university on a full ride, but that doesn't mean someone doesn't deserve it, or that they don't deserve the consideration that their life might not be as simple as it looks on the surface.

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