"Crazy" girlfriends of Reddit, what's YOUR side of the story?

I found out my ex was cheating on me through craigslist ads and multiple dating sites, as well as exes. We broke up, tried to make it work, and I just couldn't do it. I started staying at a friend's house until our lease was up (like a week) but still went back to shower and change etc. Came in one morning and found our dog in his kennel covered in shit. Got upset (I was under the impression he was caring for him like he fucking said he would), we got into an argument, he rubbed a dog-shit covered bed all over my head (he wrapped my head in it). I'd never been more humiliated in my life. I started crying and told him to leave me alone so he walked away with my cell-phone. I grabbed his sweatshirt to get my phone back and he choke-slammed me against a wall. Called my dad, my dad called the cops, I never pressed charges (because I'm a fucking idiot), he stalked me for two years. Side note: one cop wanted to charge me since I "made first contact" until the other guy pointed out the hand prints on my neck. I was 4 hours late to work that day and had to explain it to my manager, who told another manager, who gossiped about it to everyone in the store.

I never said a single word about what he did to our friends, I did say he cheated on me and that we were both young and immature and it was a toxic relationship (all true). He told everyone who would listen I was a cheating slut and lied about everything. 20+ friends turned on me, and up until a few months ago he was still calling me a dumb bitch (it's been 6 years).

I lost all my friends and the respect of everyone at my job. That hurt the most. A few people realized after a while that I was the only one acting maturely about the breakup, and I eventually told them everything when they asked for the real story. I did everything right and I still fucking lost.

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