Crazy little thing called love: Unconventional unions that have stood the test of time

Crazy little thing called love

Crazy little thing called love

If love is a many-splendoured thing, this seems even truer of couples who transcend great uncertainty, like the middle-class Singaporean man who went against the tide for years to wed his family’s former domestic helper, his first love and soul mate.

Then there are couples on a quest for something bigger than them- selves, like the halfway house founders who have embraced the marginalised, including hardcore drug addicts, as their own family.

And there are pairs who have jettisoned a past better forgotten, such as the savvy businesswoman and single mum who married an ex-offender who drives for a living.

Read the inspiring stories of three married couples who upturn romantic ideals and convey love’s rich facets in this Valentine’s special edition.

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