“Creative” Trump-loving David thought COVID precautions were a joke. Now his family is going to be writing a eulogy.

My best “creative” response to this - Does your mask hang low? by me 9/15/2021 (sung to the tune of “do your ears hang low”)

Does your mask hang low? Does it wobble to-and-fro? Do the loops fall off your ears, Like it has some place to go? Do you tape it to your face, Yet it still falls out of place? Does your mask hang low?

Does your mask hang high? Does it reach up to the sky? Are you able to eat snacks, But you can’t see out your eyes? Do you use it as a hat? Or a hammock for a bat? Does your mask. hang. high?

Do you know what your mask does? Protects us all from the vi-rus. That little lipid-coated spiky prick can do so much da-mage. If you like to use your lungs, And you like to hug your mum, Then you should know! what your mask! does!

So wear your face mask right, with the head straps nice and tight; if you don’t like how it fits, We have some safe alternatives: Like a powered respirator (Or an ecmo/ ventilator if you don’t! wear it! right!)

When you’ve worn your mask and it’s done it’s daily task, don’t reuse it before washing it or leaving it to rest; If you leave it 30 days then the vi-rus de-act-i-vates from the surface! of your! mask!

How does covid work? It’s a self-important jerk. It goes right up to your ribosomes and puts your cells to work! Making copies of itself at a de-tri-ment to health. Covid-19! you’re a! jerk!

What is mRNA? Does it ever go away? Will the vaccine take away my soul and turn my daughter gay? Are you a governmental troll? who wants total mind control? Don’t touch my genes! O! K!

Would you please relax! The vaccine RNA won’t last; in fact a research obstacle was our immune system’s too fast; Lymphocytes and macrophages they maintain ho-me-o-stasis; foreign genes get attacked.

/r/HermanCainAward Thread Link - reddit.com