Crossfit Bros- Pros Cons?

As someone who never had any olympic lifting experience going into CF, maybe I can provide some input.

I do crossfit and I enjoy it a lot. The community around my gym, and the CF community in general, are absolutely great and motivating. I've met great people at my gym. My fitness and overall health has improved. I do all sorts of physical activity, but I enjoy crossfit the most. I think physical activity is important for everyone, no matter what sort of physical activity they do.

Firstly, I will say that you need to seriously emphasize on your form. This is especially important when you're lifting weights at high intensity. A good CF gym will have ramp up classes to teach you proper form for each lift/movement. These classes are taken before you jump into a crossfit class. Pay attention and do the proper form.

Secondly, stay away from your ego. If you simply can't lift something, don't lift it. A good gym will have trainers telling you to lower your weight (or scale your workout) and focus on form if they see you struggling. This prevents injuries. You will get to where you want to go, but it may not be as immediate as you would like. You will get there, slowly but surely. Professional lifters take years to train, if you were to get these movements in one day, it's a slap in the face to those lifters. So just enjoy the ride as you steadily get there.

Lastly, go to a good gym with good instructors. As you can probably tell from any research you may have done, CF faces a lot of criticism for injuries. CF lacks quality control, and CF HQ understands this issue. They're slowly getting better at it ensuring the trainers are qualified. So hopefully in the future, we won't see as many injuries. I've also seen things at CF gyms/competitions that are absolutely unsafe, and they mostly aren't affiliated with CF but call it CF. Why? I don't know.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time doing CF. It's tough but fun if you do it right.

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