How I date frugally (not free).

It's true that most women can't, and don't get away with demanding that they be paid for. But they don't have to. It's enough just to never offer to pay, to only go out with men who pay, to eagerly accept these invitations, to make excuses for not paying so she will be rescued. Women have abundant ways to rationalize this. First, parasites don't usually make much money, so she can put forth the expectation that "the person who has more money pays," when of course that's never her. She can say, "I'm not a gold digger, it just makes sense that the person who makes the invitation pays. That's fair." But of course she will never mKe an invitation. She will focus on enticing the man to issue an invitation. When she sees a man she wants to date, she won't say, "Let's go to Ruth Chris on Friday."
She will say, "we should totally do something sometime." Then the man is forced to make an invitation, and she's off the hook. On more than one college campus, I've seen more than one sorority that prints an instruction guide about how to pretend you're not a whore while being a whore, and how to get free shot from men. Books that teach this are regularly massive best sellers, like "The Rules". Women will very often try to upgrade their free shit. If I say, "let's go to Dive Bar," it's typical for a woman to say, "Yeah! Let's get some drinks! I love Expensive Club, let's go there instead, or after." This is the subject of serious research. When a woman arrives at a bar with female friends, how long do you think they stay if no man buys them drinks? How often do you think they order nothing until a man offers? How often do you think women offer to buyer drinks? Ask the manager of your local chain bar. She has reams of data on this. So let's not pretend you and your friends are superior. Oh can't do this because nobody would be honest, but how many men have bought dinner/drinks/tickets for you in your life? How many dinners/drinks/tickets have you bought? For your male friends that say they would not tolerate this, bullshit. How many drinks have they bought for women? How many have women bought for them in their lives. See, the biggest way gold diggers rationalize this nonsense is to say, "I'm not a gold digger because I pay foren, too!" Yeah, for every thirty drinks you get free, you buy one for a man, mostly so you can pretend you are achieving some sort of equality and congratulate yourself for it. Check your FaceBook. What percentage of valentine's day posts from women were, "Look what my man did for me," and what percentage were "Look what I did for my man." I know it feels good to pretend, but the data collected by florists, hotels, bars, restaraunts, publishers, retailers, casinos, as other marketers is very good, and It reveals a different story.

/r/Frugal Thread