Curb cuts blocked by snow

The City uses a salt brine solution, salt, and sand/salt mix for maintaining City streets. As a rule of thumb for the City, rock salt will not be applied on the main runs of the street to remove snow from the streets. Snow removal will be completed through plowing. Pre- Spray of salt brine solution will occur on hills, bridges, curves and streets based on the forecasted snow event. Salt or sand/salt will be applied to main runs of the streets as needed or as dictated by street conditions.

Applying salt to roads with blowing snow and cold temperatures will cause drifting snow to stick to the pavement. DPW crews will avoid applying salt in these situations so the dry snow will continue to blow off the cold road surface. When road temperatures are above 15 F salt can be used for ice covered roads. When temperatures fall below 15 F a sand/salt mixture will be used. Salt will lose its effectiveness for melting ice at approximately 15 F. Application rates will vary depending on condition.

Black Ice – if the temperature of the pavement is at or below the dew point temperature, moisture will form on the roadway. If the pavement temperature is at freezing, 32 F, frost or black ice will form on the roadway.

Sounds like they do great, not pre-brining, not using brine on the roads but using rock salt, and letting black ice build up at freezing. But hey, whatever impresses the internet commentators.

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