A curious dilemma

Maybe I should give an example.

Some time ago a woman in my company announced via email to everyone in the company that she was leaving the company because she's going to fulfill her long-time dream of opening a store for a certain type of products. She was wishing everyone the best and thanking them for the great time she had at the company.

Over the last months I've started building my own long-term dreams and plans for the future. So naturally I was excited for her and wrote back that I wished her the best for her plans and that I'm always impressed when people work on fulfilling their dreams.

Now, I've never met or talked to that woman before. After sending the mail, I started wondering if that email makes me a weirdo. Why would a stranger care? I had the best of intentions but some doubt if it came across the way I meant it. To this day I sometimes think about that. She didn't respond.

A few weeks later she sent another company-wide email thanking everyone for their nice messages and attached pictures of the first items for her store. So it's very likely that she received a lot of messages and just couldn't reply to everyone personally. That made me realize that my doubts probably came from my own insecurity.

I'm trying to be the person I want to be, but I think I'm somewhat hampered by a certain lack of social experience and maybe also some underdeveloped emotional maturity. I actually decided to write the OP because the last sentence in this picture (from one of the top posts in this subreddit) resonated with me. "Emotional infancy" nails it. And I don't like it one bit. I'm 32 years old and I have a lot of growing up to do.

/r/stopdrinking Thread