Curious to know what the everyday life of someone who is Ne-Ti or Ti-Ne looks like that doesn't have ADHD. Anecdotes?

INTJ here. Life is good. About me...

  • I was diagnosed with severe ADHD in the third grade. Medications never really made any kind of difference.
  • I test out as being strongly I-N-T and have always tested right on the line of P and J. Further testing reveals I am a J.

I seek out and get off on a good debate. Most of my evenings (maybe 3 days a week) consist of events where I can find them. When it comes to pure logic I've met only a few people in my life that can move more quickly. If I'm really into a debate, while I'm speaking it's as if all of my energy gets redirected to my brain and when I'm done I feel like I'm leaving some kind of fugue state. 1-2 drinks ups my game but too much more and I do hit a cliff so to speak.

I get bored very quickly. If I like someone but they are repetitive and/or uninteresting you'll actually see my eyes gloss as I retreat into my own mind until they finish up whatever they're spewing. Sometimes I get away with it.

If I'm especially comfortable with the people around me I get very honest. Brutally honest I've been told.

When it comes to subjects that interest me I have a habit of mastering it and then moving on, often to things that are completely unrelated. My interests are extremely eclectic. Throughout my life I've gotten prodigious (through obsession) at the things I'm interested in and have admittedly just done only satisfactory level work on the things that I don't care about but have to do or am expected to do.

I work from home so I'm on my computer reading almost all day, every day. Usually just short articles. Finishing a long book is extremely difficult for me.

Unshakably strong eye contact with everyone, no exceptions. Celebrities, super hot girls, whoever. I'm lucky that it's seen as an innocent and genuinely curious stare. I honestly feel lucky that people don't take it as aggressive and then try kick my ass.

My girlfriend and I just go out to a restaurant and then watch Netflix when we hang out.

I feel like it's all kind of working for me though.

/r/INTP Thread