The current education system breeds compliance over critical thinking, and the result is a dangerous number of people who don't know HOW to think.

Or are you saying it's not relevant here?

it's not. When people want to be taken seriously they mention they're credentials, not go "I am smart", ye, maybe, but I highly doubt it since you are making "school bad" posts on reddit.

what's a better way of saying that?

Nobody is going to take any of what you said more seriously just because you go "I am smart".

What smart people do is explain shit in depth from an angle you never considered because you are too dumb.

btw OP's post reads like it was written by a stupid toddler who is doing bad in school so he's looking for reasons why school is to blame for that. People here actually addressing his stupid ass arguments when he clearly didn't care about them himself. It's like arguing with a flat-earther about evidence, if he cared about evidence he wouldn't think earth was flat, it's waste of fucking time. all OP wants to hear is "yes, I agree, school is real bad and it made me believe in QAnon", like every other idiot all OP wants is approval and support.

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