Planned Parenthood has been absolved. The GOP should give up its crusade. "In their evidence-free crusade, they have put vital health services at risk and wasted millions of taxpayer dollars."

Alright, let's see if you can process my point.

I have family that is racist as fuck. I cut their asses off. I'm eagerly awaiting examples of these situations where you have to freely associate with racist fucking assholes on the level of "KKK friends."

I live here trying to combat this racist shit I see all the time through education. You, like many cowardly liberals I know, move to super white areas where you can comfortably "empathize" with your ancestors or others who hold awful views.

As someone who actually now lives somewhere racism is very real (also, Kentucky has less black people per capita than the US as a whole, so I'm interested in how multicultural your actual experience was), I can say there's no situation where you had to actively befriend racist people. Moreover, I don't know of any places where you can't be openly anti-racist in Mississippi.

Powerless to vote for democrats? Sure, I believe that. But you're just excusing your racist friends and neighbors when you pretend they lack the education or means to escape being friends with racists. That's not the case. They could also, ya know, eat with the black guy working on their construction site. Or they could bite their tongue and hang out with their racist buddies over beers.

I understand it.

What I'm saying is that (let's see if you can follow this) you can pick your friends. If your boss is an active KKK member, sure, don't say "I LOVE BERNIE SANDERS!" at work. But you don't have to go get beers with the assholes either.

You're providing excuses for people that neither want nor need them. Racists choose racist company. I empathize with young southerners who haven't been exposed to people of other races and develop racist views passed down from their parents. But if they're working either on a construction site or in my school, there's never a situation where you can't say "That's racist as shit and I'm not cool with that."

Anyways, keep patting your cowardly self on the back for how much you and your buddies in an all-white gentrified liberal community "get" what racists really believe. Keep telling yourself your making a difference. I'll be here in the trenches calling a spade a spade while people like you look for excuses for your grandparents.

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