Current or former sex workers, what is your opinion of your customers? [Serious]

Hmm, just thought I might open myself up here. Unlike most men I grew up respecting women to a fault and over all despise men and the way they treat the world round them let alone women. The way I look at it is basically, I want to get to know you, converse with you, what makes you tick, and what are your every day worries and challenges, and also what is your view on yourself and self worth and relation to the world around you? I want both you and me to work for the intimacy part over time, it builds suspense, ultimately giving way to great desire and creating lovemaking at its greatest where every touch every single kiss maters, is slow and intuitional, where every bit of your body becomes a secret to be discovered, what part of your arm, leg, breast responds the greatest at what pressure point, your secrets and passions are a gift and I want to unwrap them as carefully as possible. Lovemaking for me (Don't call it sex, because it devalues it) usually takes a hour or two minimum not as a rule, but because we would lose ourselves in the moment and time flies, and its never a slam session, sex just for the sake of sex! So basically what I am saying is that it should be the same with you, giving yourself away so quick even to someone you really desire would ultimately lead to a complete let down at some point, now or in the future. There is nothing special about one-night stands, had them twice with what to me at least were super hot sexy girls I was totally in to, sure I got off, but overall it was the worst sex I ever had and it was over faster then I would have liked, more like a animalistic desire then what I was describing, so I refuse and avoid them ever since. At the very least try to get to know someone over a 3 to 4 dates, if he tries to rush "sex", get rid of them instantly, he is not interested in working for the PRIZE that is YOU, he is only interested in the PRIZE of what's between your legs. This guy you mentioned is classless and demeaning with no value in someones opening embrace and totally not worth your time or energy, cross it off as a learning experience and set your bar and expectations high. That is unless you yourself are after that animalistic desire one night stand kinda thing at a point in your life, which is fine, just be careful of how you get treated my someone else or yourself!

Let me know if you have any questions I can answer.

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