We cute


A random redditor, who likely has ZERO knowledge of elephants (and judging by "dawg" in his name and "coz" in his comment, is probably a teenager) says it's fake. And he's currently sitting at 188 upvotes and the 2nd to top comment at the time of posting... with no source whatsoever.

Fucking stop it people. Quit upvoting unsourced comments as if they're absolute truth. He might be wrong, he might be right. I'm actually even leaning towards him being right, but I'm not taking his comment at face value.

Please stop upvoting comments like his and start demanding sources. There are way too fucking many people on this site who try to be an expert on everything when their entire exposure to the topic is a google search after reading the post title.

/r/wholesomememes Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it