DAE think the way to reduce obesity is to lower cost of healthy foods rather than increase cost of fast foods?

Being able to control yourself is a huge thing when you're fat, especially when your brain is telling you that you're still hungry when you're not, or you're not even hungry at all but there's left overs in the kitchen that you know are there and will taste so good. Sometimes you can control it, then sometimes... you don't, and when you're done you think, "the fuck did I just do? I wasn't even hungry, now I'm miserable. Why did I do that?"

Controlling those urges is just so. ridiculously. hard. These battles can pop up at any time. For example, when I began trying to lose weight, I once had this specific battle.

I had been out running errands and it came upon lunchtime. This thought process happened, "I could just stop by Sonic. I mean, it's right there. I could get a junior (a small sized) cheeseburger and a small drink. No fries, just that. That's not too bad. No no no no. You're going home and eating an apple and some yogurt. You love apples and yogurt. But you also really love Sonic. It's not even that expensive. And it's right there! Hurry! The light is about to turn! Nope, nope, nope. Going home. Go home, keep driving. But... Burger. Nope. Hey, self. Remember how when you put your jeans on this morning and they were loose, how happy you were? Remember how you noticed in the bathtub that your fat ass doesn't touch each side of the tub anymore? You want more of that? Yeah? Then let's go home." and I did.

Sometimes you lose those battles, especially when it involves favorite foods. Spaghetti? I have to be very careful to only make enough so that it'll be gone after dinner because if there's left overs, I cannot control myself. You feel so shitty when you lose a battle.

But that feeling when you win one can be awesome.

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