Daily reminder: I’m wealthy, social, outgoing, muscular, funny, fashionable etc. WHERE AM I GOING WRONG???

With the virgin I slept with, it was because a) I wanted to have sex, b) he was a nice person to be around and we had fun, and c) he was ok with casual sex. Those were the reasons. None of them involved pity or compassion. We were both just after the same thing and got along.

He approached me on okCupid, we went on like 4 dates, his behaviors and interactions led me to believe he was inexperienced so I asked. He said he was and it had scared off another woman (which sucks, but I know it happens), and we had an honest discussion about my concerns. My primary concern was that if he waited so long, he might want it to be with someone special that he loved. Once I knew he was fine with it, and he understood it wouldn't become something serious, we started having sex. Amusingly enough, he actually hit me up for a booty call a few weeks ago. He had just ended an engagement to the woman he dated after me. I had to decline though as I'm currently seeing someone. It was really nice to hear from him though.

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