Daily SP and Q&A thread August 13, 2019 - Q&A | Please post beginner, redundant, and SP questions here.

I went ahead and read his post...he says: "If there is a situation that you don't like or that makes you suffer leave it (in your mind)! Why do you feed something you don't want? The game will be real as long as you stay in it. So wake up! Leave it. (Don't feed it with your emotions or focus, don't associate with it...) "

Umm...that's exactly what got me into this mess. I stopped focusing on my debt. I let it go and then that turned into lawsuits. Debt doesn't magically disappear just because you choose not to "associate with it" as he says. It must be dealt with unfortunately. Had I instead taken action to correct this situation a year ago, I would not be in this situation now.

/r/NevilleGoddard Thread Parent