Dallas shooting: Gunman 'wanted to kill whites' - police chief - BBC News

Those who advocate for violence are indirectly responsible for the actions of those who follow through. BLM has repeatedly refused to denounce the hate speech that has occurred at their rallies or been posted online by their co-founder, instead choosing to shame those who take issue with it.

When BLM protesters chanted "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon" to celebrate the murder of a police officer in Minnesota, BLM's response to the media coverage of the chant was this:

We're not going to be distracted by their attempt to minimize our movement and focus on a chant that lasted 30 seconds.

When the co-founder of BLM tweeted asking for Allah to give her strength so that she wouldn't kill white people and men, BLM's response to the media coverage of the tweet was this:

This is extremely frustrating and emotional for me because we slept outside for two weeks to get somebody to care about death in our community and this is what you decided to focus on? It’s very, very, very irresponsible.

You know what's irresponsible? Encouraging a culture of violence and retribution. Refusing to denounce the hateful words of those who would solve the problem by killing those with whom they disagree. Insisting that you are peaceful while telling others that it's okay to kill.

You know, all of the things that BLM is supposed to be against.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - bbc.com