Damage to leather after flashover

Any statistically significant proof these helmets are making a non-neglible difference?

Are you even a firefighter? Does Aus have firefighter paramedics? Are you so fucking deep in burning buildings every day all your PPE is burning off?

Our guys aren't getting killed because of helmets jackoff.

I get it. You're clueless. You're an online pretender. Get back on the band aid bus bogan.

I've driven up and down the East coast of Oz from Sydney to the the Sunshine coast. Don't need to Google what a bogan is. You've got it written all over your forehead lmao.

Septic tank yanks. Good one. Old guy called me that in Sydney aftern i beat him in billiards. Great guy.

You can eat shit though. I thought you were a salty firefighter for a sec.

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