Day 37: They don't suspect anything.

Anyone seeking more info might also check here:

title points age /r/ comnts
Day 3, No one suspects a thing B 4061 7dys funny 59
Day 3. No one suspects a thing. B 3345 8dys Eyebleach 19
"Day 47: They Still Suspect Nothing" B 54 23dys aww 8
Day 3 of the Operation, Dogs suspect nothing B 19 27dys aww 2
Trying to fit in is hard B 262 1mo dogpictures 5
Me irl B 1546 1mo me_irl 17
Day 14, they still think I'm a husky B 15 1mo funny 1
me_irl B 326 2mos me_irl 4
PsBattle: This cat pretending to be a huskey B 17 2mos photoshopbattles 3
Day 12, they still think I'm a husky B 4522 2mos pics 236
Day 12, they still think I'm a husky B 181 2mos aww 5

Source: karmadecay (B = bigger)

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