DEADLINE April 15/2015 Healthcare now a TAX BILL through illegal Sara Hall Ingram. US PRESIDENT/FIRST FAMILY/USA LAWMAKERS exempt themselves; ALL AMERICAN Healthcare insurers be 'IDENTIFIABLE' through RFID CHIP to steal from and if protest, Turn it "OFF". COMMITTEE of 300

(CONTINUATION PART 3 OF; *The DEATH PENALTY for TREASON using Civilian Police (and/or Police and Military personnels whose sense of Justice have not been corrupted) will be (only) for the BELOW mentioned (unless otherwise, instructed by The Lord) so it will NOT be used against INNOCENT AMERICANS and foreign individuals by OBAMA and other luciferian/opportunists, posing as "govern.", using muslims to do their 'dirty' job of genocide against humanity. * "Black" girls rock? What about "White" girls rock? This is a "Divide and Conquer Scheme of the luciferians". Evidenced by the fact, that it is discrimination to not take note of this one country that's already CRIMINALIZING Obama from even entering their country, for WAR CRIMES. (please read below) *(used under Fair Use Act)) * A STENOGRAPHER of THE USA CONGRESS SHOUTED INTO THE MICROPHONE right before A SESSION began, about Freemasonry(which has been turned luciferian/worship of lucifer the fallen angel that rebelled against God and became, "satan". Even King Stephen 1 of Hungary has tried to bring it back to it's original Christianity) being the prime influence in LAWMAKING and how JESUS CHRIST is Lord. She was escorted right of the room by security. Did you see it? Until 2014 USA CONGRESSMEN & USA CONGRESSWOMEN "gasped" at the notion of CLASSIFIED report of GENOCIDE AGAINST 80% OF INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS by luciferians named above and below, posing as the "government" using muslims to do their dirty job and in other atrocious ways, such as and DID ABSOLUTELY, "NOTHING".
* 90% of the world population is being killed off using vaccines to sterilize women in 3rd world countries. Bill Gates admits to immunization being DE-population! Doctor that fled AMERICA, after hearing A WOMAN HEAD OF STATE in 2002 saying, "It's almost time for the great culling to begin!" warning about NATIONS becoming CODEX ALIMENTARUS COMPLIANT! Whis is nothing, but a DE-POPULATION program/just like, GLOBAL 2000, According to Bilderberg member/luciferian; HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT of HOMELAND SECURITY & OBAMA INSTIGATING/INDUCING NASAL MIST SWINE FLU PANDEMIC (I stopped by notifying US AUTHORITIES AS SOON AS I SAW IT HAPPENING AT STATE FAIRS and COUNTY FAIRS!)OPERATION CABLESPLICE (I stopped in 2012 George Bush Center/CIA'S ARREST and GENOCIDE plan AGAINST ALL AMERICANS testified by former CIA agent) UN AGENDA 21 (with a swipe of a pen, all PENSIONS of POLICE, TEACHERS, FIREMEN, etc... can be STOLLEN BY LUCIFERIANS by DUPING THE AMERICAN CITIZENS TO VOTE TO AMEND SALARIES of government officials, which ends up cutting off smaller county government dept., and personnels' jobs and turning them into ONE BIG "FEDERAL" government, which they are now turning into ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. They took down my 65 ft. tree next to my house, and had it hit it, we would have died, and this is the kind of thing Ernyart, "tapped by Bush/Obama's been harrassing my family with, whenever I tried to warn Americans/US CONGRESS of the luciferian's schemes. Our family literally had to run for our lives from AMERICA, for trying to SAVE AMERICANS FROM THE "AMERICAN" LUCIFERIAN LEADERS!

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