Dear Reddit, What are you experiences with being bullied? [Serious]

It started off simple and almost as a joke in elementary school where kids called me ugly, told me I was shaped like a stick, asked me if my mom even loved me, told me guys would never date me. Then I moved onto middle school where it became less of a joke and even my 'friends' participated. "You're really not even worth having around" or "Do you ever just think about killing yourself?". They picked on me for everything, my clothes, my blemishes on my face, the fact I lived in an apartment. I ended up faking sick to stay home a lot of days because the idea of going to school and hearing the same old stuff every day was painful. I didn't know what to do, I let them dictate how I felt about myself, and it caused me to go into such a deep depression that I ended up having to be hospitalized because of suicidal thoughts/actions. I spent a few weeks in a psych ward where I got help daily and it didn't help much honestly, I still deal with problems daily, but I've slowly learned I can't listen to other people because otherwise all I will feel is hurt, and to anyone out there struggling with bullying, talk to a parent or an adult and I know that'd such a scary idea, but the problem is most parents won't realize it until it's gotten so bad you can't hide it. Be honest, and get the help you need because there is always someone who can help. Kids are assholes, don't listen to them because they get a real kick out of making others feel like shit. Don't let them get the satisfaction of knowing they hurt you. Its hard not to listen, but always think about the GOOD things about you and how school doesn't last forever and these kids will be history soon. The good part of life starts when you get out of school, really

/r/AskReddit Thread