Dear Reddit, what is the most WTF thing a friend or relative has done?

Had an acquaintance in College that did this. She had a decent amount of friends and hung out with our group from time to time.

Then winter break comes around and we all head off. When we get back, she now is wearing a skull-cap and says she has terminal breast cancer.

Holy FUCK! Ok, we're all sad. We raised some money (it was harder in 2003 to crowd-fund), started doing nice things for her, etc. We settled into a groove and she just became the girl with cancer. It sucked, but it was absolutely expected that she'd sometimes be ill and need some help (since we were in the dorms). This went on for about a year.

She came back after one summer and she had #1. Gained like 15 lbs in 2 months and at a party shortly thereafter, someone looked and saw her hair had been growing back for at least a few months.

The cancer story wasn't jiving anymore. But, she stuck to her guns... and we all kinda just let it be. Why pick a fight about something like that? It makes me feel like shit even thinking about, let alone your fucked up motivation.

Well, as it turns out, she finally came clean when she used this as an excuse for school and a teacher called her out. She was put on probation with the school and flunked the class (which she had with a friend) so she had to let it go.


She had tons of different beanies, hats. She even made a big point to show how many medications she had. She always wore pink for breast cancer, did the walks... all that bullshit.

Can't believe someone would do that... reminds me of the lady who said she was a 911 survivor and got all into the cause. Only to be proven later she was totally full of shit.

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