Death of a Diploma Mill: University of Phoenix Going Down in Flames?

I think the biggest problem with this is people not wanting the legislation to pass because of that strange competitive feeling everbody has.

For instance, we've all known for years how free trade agreements are nothing but good for an economy. And that's a fact as long as the agreements are reasonable.

But when the reality of the situation comes up and we're looking at something like tire manufacturers losing jobs, we ditch these idealist theories pretty quick and buy into protectionist tariffs.

I graduated highschool in 2010 and took on 75K in debt getting student loans (1/3 federal and 2/3 private).

Now I've got an ok job; but I hate it and I don't feel its taking me anywhere.

I'm ashamed to admit it, but when I hear that some kid 6 years younger than me is gonna get a large chunk of what I paid big bucks for, for free?

It makes me nervous. It makes me nervous that five years from now a better dressed, more confident kid is gonna take my prospective job and it makes me nervous that he'll be able to outdo me in the job market because he can afford to live in a city like New York or Washington for less money.

It's wrong and I know it. There's absolutely no republican virtue in forcing a kid to pay for something that ought to be free just because you had to.

But my bills don't get paid based on republican virtues. I've worked for a Fortune 500 company and I've seen some girl on disability have her facebook photos of her lounging at the pool shown around the office for laughs cuz everyone hates her although a wide array of physical disorders would still allow you to take some sun.

It's just a miserable, dog eat dog world out there and as long as someone feels like they're at the bottom, they aren't going to help elevate someone else to the top.

But i'm 23 and I'm scared because I hate my job and although I pursued a degree that ought to be able to make me some money in the long term, I'm not going anywhere without an MBA or a CFA or a CPA, all of which takes money and time.

As it is, I can't imagine being married before say, 34.

I know everything I've said here will garner a flurry of downvotes but the simple fact is, I need something to make me feel like I'm not gonna be a part of some wretched, ten year span of misguided economic policy that bones me and not those older or younger.

Like I said, I wish I could have my mind changed. But although none of the reasons are wholly logical, all are wholly compelling.

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